Monday, September 20, 2010

Signs of Allah in our Senses

Atoms are inanimate beings. How, then, can inanimate substances such as atoms come together and form animate human beings capable of seeing, hearing, interpreting what they hear, enjoying the music to which they listen, thinking, making decisions, being happy or miserable? How could man acquire such traits making him totally different from other conglomerates of atoms?

Certainly, inanimate and unconscious atoms cannot give human beings these human qualities. It is clear that Allah creates man with a spirit endowed with such characteristics. This reminds one of a verse of Allah:

He Who has created all things in the best possible way. He commenced the creation of man from clay; then produced his seed from an extract of base fluid; then formed him and breathed His Spirit into him and gave you hearing, sight, and hearts. What little thanks you show! (Surat as-Sajda: 7-9)

Signs of Allah in microscopic organisms

The person who reflects on the incredibly diverse life of the earth also remembers the perfect systems of these creatures. All the creatures we see are each a clear sign of Allah's art. In the same manner, great miracles are hidden in microscopic creatures as well. The virus, bacterium or mite which are all invisible to us, have their own bodily mechanisms.
Allah created their habitats, feeding patterns, and reproductive and defence systems. One who reflects on these facts remembers Allah's verse:

How many creatures do not carry their provision with them! Allah provides for them and He will for you. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Surat al-Ankabut: 60)

dry wood of a branch

Bright green and living leaves growing out of the dry wood of a branch, water reaching the threadlike veins of the leaves at heights of many metres, the leaves not drying out under the burning sun... these are only a few of the numerous subjects about which trees make one think.

The conscientious person, who sees a large variety of fruit on the dining table, thinks the following:

That out of the dark soil come fruits of diverse colours, a variety of fragrances, with extremely clean contents, each of which has a very pleasant taste, is a great favour Allah grants people.

The banana, tangerine, orange, melon, and watermelon, in short all fruits, are created each with its wrappings. Their peels protect fruits from decay and ruin. Their fragrances are also preserved in these wrappings. Soon after their wrappings are removed, they begin to turn black and spoil.

When examined one by one, the fruits are seen to have many delicate points of significance. The tangerine and orange, for example, are segmented. If they were a single piece, it would have been more difficult to eat such juicy fruits. Yet, Allah has fashioned them in slices for people's convenience. Unquestionably, this flawless, extremely aesthetical design, perfectly addressing our needs, is one of the signs of the creation of Allah, the Most Knowing.

The strawberry, for example, is a very special fruit with its particular form and taste. The patterns on it seem as if they are meticulously designed. With its refreshing red form crowned with green leaves, it is one of the works of the matchless art of Allah. The sweetness in its fragrance and taste, and its being seedless and skinless, make it easy to eat thus reminding one the fruits of Paradise. That a fruit, which almost entirely grows in the soil, has such a beautiful and striking colour, is a very strong sign to us from our Lord Who creates it and Who manifests His art, wisdom and knowledge in the things He creates.

The presence of different fruits in each season is another subject to think about. It is a favour and grace of Allah to people that, for example, in winter, a period when people need vitamins most, such C vitamin-rich fruits as tangerines, oranges and grapefruits are available, while in summer, such fruits as cherries and thirst-quenching melons, watermelons and peaches are abundant.


More on Signs of Allah in Fruits...

Fruits and vegetables spring from the same soil and are watered with the same water, yet they come in a dazzling variety. When we consider the multitude of different tastes and smells of fruits and vegetables, the question of how such a variety ever came about in the first place comes to mind. What causes this miscellany of the tastes and fragrances of grapes, melons, kiwis, pineapples and the like, using the same water and minerals for centuries on end, yet without ever mixing them up with each other and without ever getting them confused? Allah gives them their matchless tastes and appearances.

Both animals and humans obtain the energy they need to survive through nutrition which is produced by plants. In other words, plants have been created as a blessing to benefit all living things. Most of these blessings have been designed especially for humans. Let's take a look at our surroundings, at what we eat, and then think. First let's look at the bone-dry stalk and very thin roots of a grape vine. This bone-dry structure, one that seems so fragile that it could be broken with the slightest pull, can produce dozens of kilos of juicy grapes whose color, smell and taste have been designed especially to give pleasure to man. Now let's think about watermelons. This juicy fruit, which again comes out of dry soil, develops precisely in the season when people begin to feel the need for it, that is, in summer. Let's think about the marvelous smell of the melon that has been provided since it first came into existence, without any deterioration in its quality, and about its famous taste. When fragrances are produced in factories, people use complex quality controls and take great pains to produce a uniform odor that mimics nature; but there is no need for quality checks to preserve the natural odor of fruits.

In addition to their enticing smells, each fruit also contains ingredients that are suitable to the season. In winter, for example, we have tangerines and oranges, which are full of vitamin C and energy. Vegetables also possess any and all kinds of vitamins and minerals that living things may need.

By thinking in this manner, we could examine in turn all the plants present in nature. And at the end of this examination, we would have learned that the plants around us have been especially designed for human beings and all other creatures, in other words they have been created. Allah, Who is the Lord of the worlds, has brought into existence all nutrition for living things and has created them in such a way that the taste, smell and use of each one of them is wonderfully varied. This reveals His might and matchless artistry in creation. He informs us of this in the Qur'an:

"And also the things of varying colors He has created for you in the earth. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who pay heed." (Surat an-Nahl: 13)

Signs of Allah in the Colorful Nature

It is a favour from our Lord that we live in a vibrant multi-coloured world. Every colour we see in nature, the perfect harmony of living beings' colours are all signs of the matchless art and unique creation of Allah.
The colours of a flower, or a bird and the harmony of these colours or the soft interplay between colours, the fact that nothing disturbs our eyes in nature, that, for instance, the colours of the seas, the sky, and the trees are in tones that give us peace and do not exhaust our eyes, show the perfection of Allah's creation. Reflecting on all these, we come to understand that everything we see around us is a work of the infinite knowledge and omnipotence of Allah.

Signs of Allah in Body Growth

Our eyelashes, eyebrows, bones and teeth stop growing when they reach a certain length. However, hair does not stop growing. In other words, whereas those body parts the growth of which will be disadvantageous and unsightly stop growing, hair, the growth of which is aesthetically pleasing, keeps on growing.
 Besides that, there is perfect harmony and proportion in the growth of bones. For example the bones of the upper human limbs do not grow unnecessarily long leaving the body relatively undersized. Their growth comes to a halt just in time as if each knows how long it should grow. Who placed just as much as is necessary of hormones and enzymes in the body thus determining the growth of everything?

Signs of Allah in a spider

As a man cleans his house, he might see a spider that has woven its web in a corner of the house. If he realises that he ought to think about this creature which is normally of no importance to anyone, he will see new doors being opened for him. This tiny insect he sees before him is a miracle of design.
There is perfect symmetry in the web the spider has woven. If, by any chance, he wonders how a tiny spider could achieve such astonishingly perfect design, and if he makes quick research, he will encounter some other extraordinary facts: the thread a spider uses is thirty percent more flexible than a rubber thread of the same thickness. The thread the spider produces is of such a superior quality that men use it as a model for the manufacture of bullet-proof vests.